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Where to Buy

When visiting Bonaire you want to buy a souvenir or a great gift  then you are on the right spot.

Where to Buy

I Love Bonaire is available at:

Pop Up Store "official registered products only available here"

Kaya L.D. Gerharts 10 unit 10A

Opening hours
Mon - Saturday
From: 09:00 hours - 18:30 hours.

Free parking
Wheelchair accessible



Kaya Gob N. Debrot 79
Hato Bonaire
Dutch Caribbean

Office in the Netherlands
+31 616202522

Contact us by mail at


Share you great moments with I Love Bonaire on our facebook and show the world your real love.

I Love Bonaire is committed to introduce new items frequently. If you want to keep up to date like our page and visit us often and read about our friends and products.

I Love Bonaire ® is a trademark and is protected by the Law.

Cora and Greg founders of I Love Bonaire ®

Just behind the Kaya Grandi in the Alley next to Gio walk to the parking lot and you can not miss the Flag.
We will welcome you with a smile at our store to join the movement and promote our lovely Island.

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