Thank you for visiting our Sponsor & Charity page.
We receive many sponsor projects monthly and we want to inform you we do sponsor projects we believe counts for our Lovely Island and has connection with our brand.
"We can help by giving discount on our products or financial funding."
Before sending us your request keep in mind that we want to get informed about the "ROI" and how do you think we can benefit by sponsoring.
Secondarily what are the efforts you spend in reaching your goal by yourself. If you think you have done everything possible and it did not help you achieve your funding feel free to sent us your request.
We have our own charity programs and we are not looking for new programs at the moment. We are always open to get informed of new projects or programs. By informing us we can discuss and decide to participate in such project or program.
We wish you all the best helping our community with great projects together we stand stronger.
I Love Bonaire.